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Welcome,  Straight Line Archery is the U.P.'s most complete archery outlet store!

We provide archers from all walks of life with prompt, efficient and courteous service. Whether you are the hunter preparing and testing equipment for the up coming bow season, or the target archer honing your competition skills. Straight line Archery provides all the ingredients necessary to achieve total satisfaction.

Shelley Saxwold

Owned by Shelley Saxwold, Straight Line Archery was established in 1997. For more than 20 years Straight Line Archery's continued "more than expected service" has developed into a customer base which now spans the globe.

Continued growth saw a need to relocate to larger premises and in November of 2010, Straight Line Archery moved into the old Miracle Lounge bowling alley, located in the Miracle Centre, Ishpeming.

The new facility with a large showroom and fully functionable workshop is complemented by the large Indoor shooting range. SLA also has a “seasonal” 28 Target NFAA range, 3D range.


Straight Line Archery offers everything for the archery enthusiast, beginner to expert.

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